United Against Anti-Semitism
As many, if not all of you know, anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout the world; the hatred seems to be growing each and every day. Underneath every BZD event, program and trip, we are fighting against this hatred by pulling our community together in hopes to build a future that allows all Jews to live peacefully. In addition, helping to build a strong foundation for all Jews to feel proud of their heritage, and of the state of Israel.
BZD takes pride in acting as a voice for the Baltimore Jewish community, with nearly 100,000 Jews, Baltimore has one of the highest-ranking Jewish populations in the country. Therefore, your donations will serve as one big check from Baltimore to the fight against anti-Semitism.
Without firstly educating our own Jewish community, and connecting them to the state of Israel we cannot expect the world to be educated on who we are, and to receive true facts.
In many cases, it is not enough to just grow up with Judaism as the religion you were born into enough to fight for it when it is threatened; for many, the extent to which they associate themselves with Judaism and Israel stops whenever and wherever their connection to it was severed. This is where BZD comes in; to provide moments in time for our community to connect, and fall more in love with our homeland and our Judaism.
We ask you to team up with BZD and allow us to continue instilling the necessary components of bringing our community together and educating them, while also showing the world that what comes with having one of the biggest populations of Jews in the country, means we show up and we act.
United Against Antisemitism
BZD has created a Facebook group dedicated to spreading awareness about antisemitism around the world and combating the hatred. We hope you will request to join this group, and be a part of the fight as we unite as one.
*All members must answer two questions and agree to the group rules/terms upon approval of their membership.
Zero Tolerance: A Panel Discussion On Antisemitism
On February 13th, 2020, The Baltimore Zionist District (BZD) Held A Panel Discussion About The Rise Of Antisemitism In The World Today.
Thank You To Chizuk Amuno Congregation For Hosting This Important Discussion.
The Panelists Included:
Bryan Leib: National Director, Americans Against Antisemitism
Sarah Stern: Founder and President, EMET – Endowment for Middle East Truth
Daniel West Cohen: Director of Partnerships, Combat AntiSemitism
Rebecca Harary: Founder and President, Casepac
Maccabi Gap Year
The Maccabi Gap Year program is an 8-month program for teens ages 18-19 (post high school) interested in having a unique Israel experience, coordinated and planned by Maccabi World Union.
Participants will have the opportunity to build their leadership skills through our Machon LeMadrchim seminars. You’ll have the option to join the IDF’s Marva experience, train and assist with the Magen David Adom emergency service while living in Tel Aviv, live and work on a kibbutz, tour all over Israel, and learn about the Holocaust through an immersive tour in Poland for one week.
Throughout the program, there will be many opportunities to discover and see Israel from many perspectives.
Interested In Learning More About The Program? Contact Adi Ratzon At Adi@Bzdisrael.Org

A Glimpse Into Your Year
Explore all of the different opportunities you’ll have during the Gap Year. Over a year in Israel, you should find many things that will be exciting, new, educational, and fun. The program includes medical insurance, meals, accommodations, transportation, and programming.
The Gap Year program is fully supervised and coordinated by Maccabi World Union Madrichim under the supervision of the Program Director.
Gap Year Options and Costs
September 7, 2023–June 3, 2024 | $18,200

Machon Le Madrichim
Tel Aviv Immersion: Live Like A Local
BZD Membership 2024-2025
Annual Membership Dues: $77.00
Early membership begins July 1, 2024. BZD Membership Year: September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025